What are the important reports to generate for the Annual Submission?

What are the important reports to generate for the Annual Submission?

Step 1: Balance the EMP201 with the EMP501 by generating the following reports:
  1.       Navigate to Reports > Reports > Standard (Classic) > Legislative and generate the EMP201 Report and EMP201 Breakdown Report.
  2.       Generate the EMP501 Report for the selected tax year.

Step 2: Identify the source of discrepancies between the EMP201 and the consolidated EMP501 by generating the following reports:
  1. For ETI imbalances, navigate to Reports > Reports > Standard (Classic) > Legislative and generate the EMP501 ETI Breakdown Report and ETI Take On report.
  2. For Tax, UIF, & SDL imbalances, navigate to Reports > Reports > Standard > Payroll and generate the Component Variance Report and Payroll Reconciliation Report.
  3. For employee biographical information, navigate to Reports > Reports > Standard > HR and generate the Dynamic Employee Details and New Engagements and Terminations reports.

Step 3: Once the EMP501 reconciles with the monthly EMP201s, you may generate the Test and Live CSV Files per frequency for the correct submission period.

      Navigate to Reports > Tax Certificate Run to generate the Test CSV FileOnce the Test CSV File passes validation, export your Live CSV File accordingly.

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