This applies to all PaySpace editions No, employee's linked to the Independent Contractor tax status are not eligible for UIF. As a result, the statutory UIF components will not appear on the payslip. Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Tax ...
This feature is available on the Premier and Master payroll editions Yes. An employee's evaluation (Performance Management) history can be hidden from employees. To do so, disable the "Allow employee to see their own PM history" checkbox when ...
This applies to all PaySpace editions The 0013 error occurs when a birth date is included in the password. Due to PaySpace's strict security, the system won't allow this. Ensure your password does not contain your birth date to resolve the issue.
This applies to all PaySpace editions If the new instalment amount is not reflecting, check the affected employee's Recurring Payroll Components screen. The issue is likely caused by an end date that prevents updates to the deduction. Remove the end ...
This applies to all PaySpace editions The Savings Deduction component (as with the loan deduction component) stores historical data. Create a new and rename the Savings component, so the balance (savings) starts anew. Navigate > Config > Payroll > ...
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To reset a password, navigate to the login screen and select the "Reset password" and "Submit" buttons after inserting the user's email address. A link will be sent to the user's email address which ...
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Make use of the following steps to configure the Unpaid Time component so that it automatically reflects on the payslip when employees submit an Unpaid Leave application. Step 1: Create the Unpaid ...
The Director General of Employment and Labour published Government Gazette 48065 (Notice 1617) increasing the OID earnings threshold as follows: from R529 264 per annum (limit for 2022/2023), to R563 520 per annum effective 1 March 2023 (limit for ...
About Business Partners and Company Users registering using the same email address. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Business Partner and Company User Registration Once a User Profile has been created, Business Partners and ...
The Skills Development Levy (SDL) is calculated on the balance of remuneration as defined in the fourth schedule to the Income Tax Act. The following elements are excluded from the SDL balance of remuneration: Pensions, superannuation allowances or ...