Mauritius | What function does the "Employee Declaration Form Submitted" checkbox on the Tax Profile screen serve?

Mauritius | What function does the "Employee Declaration Form Submitted" checkbox on the Tax Profile screen serve?

Following the implementation of the 2023/2024 Mauritius tax changes and the inclusion of EDF annual amounts, a new checkbox, "Employer Declaration Form Submitted", has been introduced on the Tax Profile screen. This checkbox is designed to differentiate between two scenarios that employees may encounter. Users will be required to indicate if an employee has submitted an Annual EDF Form to the Employer or if no EDF amounts will be applicable for the tax year.

      Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Tax Profile > Statutory Fields


If this checkbox is enabled, system logic indicates that an Employee Declaration Form has been completed/submitted and the employee's emoluments will be taxed according to progressive tax tables (irrespective if the amount specified on the EDF Annual Relief component is equal or unequal to zero on the payslip or recurring component screen).

If this checkbox is disabled, system logic indicates that the employee did not complete/submit an Employee Declaration Form and that the employee's emoluments exceeding Rs 30,000 in a month should be taxed at a fixed rate of 15% (irrespective of an EDF Annual Relief equal or unequal to zero on the payslip or recurring component screen).

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