Ivory Coast | Why are dependents not included in Couverture Maladie Universelle employé component calculation?
In a scenario where the non-statutory contributions for the Couverture Maladie Universelle employé component do not balance, the calculation references two options stored on the affected employee's Dependents screen.
Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Dependants
Enable the "Is this a medical aid dependant?" checkbox if the dependent type is to be included in the component calculation.
In specific scenarios, enable the "Add child to calculation regardless of maximum allowed dependants on medical scheme:" checkbox should an additional dependent be included in the calculation, however, the system will limit the calc on the component should the maximum limit be reached.
The dependent type and marital status on the dependant screen are considered in the tax calculation to the max of 5 parts.
The component calculation will be applied as follows based on the records on the Dependent screen.