This feature is available on all PaySpace editions
Leave can be encashed on the payslip on the next open run.
Step 1: Create a payslip for the next open run (eg. August 2024).
Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip
Step 2: Process the Leave Pay component under the Allowances payslip section.
Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Allowances
Step 3: Add the UIF Backpay & UIF Backpay Employer components to the Deductions and Company Contributions sections respectively with a negative value to reverse the UIF contributions.
Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Deductions
Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Company Contributions
Step 4: Create the Skills Development Levy Adjustment component on company level.
Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components
Step 5: Add the Skills Development Levey Adjustment component to the Company Contributions section with a negative value to reverse the SDL contribution.
Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Company Contributions