Cameroon | How are the Number of days worked Calculated

Cameroon | How are the Number of days worked Calculated

The tax Country has 3 note components available to track the working days per period which includes scenarios for Onboarded employees from the start of a period, Mid Month Engagements and Mid month terminations.
The components are designed to the calendar days in a month against the working days per period as specified on the Pay Rate screen.
To calculate the component values manually the below calculations can be used.
Number of days Worked = Days in Run + Total Adjustment - Calendar Days Lost
Workings Days = Days per Period on Pay Rate screen - Working Days Lost
The below component allows for an advised income base to include additional component amounts of days, to the days worked calculation.

In the scenario where a Mid Month Engagement or Termination is present, the Number of Days worked adjustment and Additional components will trigger automatically.
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