Why is the "allocate access" button not visible for certain company level users on the User Org Unit Permissions screen?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Org Unit Permissions If the "allow access to all employees" toggle is switched on for a company level user, the "allocate access" button will be ...
How do I grant a company level user access to all Organisation Units/Regions?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Org Unit Permissions Switch on the "allow access to all employees" toggle for all company level users that require access to all employees.
How do I grant ESS and MSS users access to delete or re-assign inbox items?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Users can be granted access to delete or re-assign inbox items on the ESS/MSS security role by being granted access to the Inbox Management screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security Roles
How do I change a user profile from company level to Business Partner level?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A company level user profile may be changed from "Company" to "Business Partner" by changing the User Type under the General tab on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > ...
Where can I download the Security Profile report?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Security Profile Report displays details of all registered Company, Business Partner and Employee level users’ access control, including the last login date, whether the user is active and the ...
Where can I extract the User Profiles report?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The User Profiles report can be extracted from the User Profiles screen by clicking on the "Export all data to Excel" button (next to the + button). Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User ...
Why would a user not have the download option when attempting to download company dashboard reports?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Due to system design, a user must have access to all frequencies within the company to download these reports, as they are consolidated reports. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User ...
Why are ESS users unable to download their Payslips on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions ESS users will not be able to download their payslips on ESS if they do not have access to do so as specified on the ESS security role. The payslips section on the ESS security role would need to be ...
What are the requirements for login passwords?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Login passwords should meet the below requirements: 1. Contain a minimum of 8 characters. 2. Contain a minimum of 1 numeric character 3. Contain a minimum of 1 uppercase character 4. Contain a ...
Can I copy a security role?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Yes. Security roles can be copied or duplicated on the Security Roles screen, either within the same company or across other companies in the group. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security ...
Security | User Profiles for ESS/Company/Business Partners
Overview A Business Partner/Company Level User can use the same e-mail address to login to both their ESS and Admin profile, or opt to keep the profiles separate by using different e-mail addresses. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace ...
Security | Login
About All Users, including Administrators, Business Partners, Employees and Managers access the system through the same login path: Select Login to be directed to a secure Login Page. You will be allocated login details during the ...
Can a Business Partner level user register for ESS using the same email address linked to their BP profile?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Yes. Business Partner level users can register for ESS using the same email address that is linked to their Business Partner profile. Business Partners will be able to toggle between ESS and Admin ...
How can Business Partner level users generate the Agency Billing report?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Only Business Partner level users that have the "Is Agency Top Level User" checkbox enabled, under the Other section on their user profile, will be granted permission to generate the Agency Billing ...
Is it possible to assign multiple company level users to a superuser security role?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. It is possible to assign multiple company level users to a superuser security role. Related FAQs How do I create a security role? How do I link a company level user to a security role?
Why would new employees not reflect on a report generated by a Business Partner or company level user?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions New employees may not reflect on reports if they do not have an Organisation Unit assigned on their Position screen. Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Position Alternatively, the ...
Why is an employee's email address not completing the email validation process check?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Contact the Support department at to investigate why the system is not validating the affected employee's email address. Related FAQ Why is an employee's valid email address ...
How do I ensure Business Partner users or Company Level users (not linked to a Business Partner) receive PaySpace communication emails?
Select Payroll Contact from the dropdown list in the Contact Type field on the User Profiles screen for Business Partner users or Company Level users (not linked to a Business Partner) to receive PaySpace Newsletters, etc. Navigate > Config > ...
How do I create login credentials for a new company level user profile?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions After a company level user profile is created, an activation email will be sent to the email address saved, where they will be prompted to create their password. Related FAQ How do I add a new ...
Why does a company level user receive the Access Denied screen when accessing the Edit Payslip screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A company level user will receive the Access Denied screen when accessing the Edit Payslip screen, if permission to the screen is denied (and the "Bulk Upload" checkbox is enabled) on the security ...
How do I prevent users from viewing the leave value and leave value calculation columns on the Leave Balances screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To prevent employee and/or company level users from viewing the leave value and leave value calculation columns on the Leave Balances screen, edit the permissions on the relevant security role and ...
How do I configure the system so that employees have access to edit their own profile on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To allow employees permission to edit their own profile, edit the ESS security role permissions and provide full access to the relevant Basic Profile screens. Navigate > Config > Security > Security ...
Why would I receive the error "You cannot change a user from company to an employee self service user if the user does not have an employee record." when changing a company level user to an employee level user?
The error "You cannot change a user from company to an employee self service user if the user does not have an employee record." will display when a user tries to change a company level user to an employee level user and the user has no employee ...
How do I configure the system to automatically deactivate a user profile when it has been inactive for a specified period of time?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. In order for the system to deactivate user profiles that have been inactive for a specified amount of time, specify the number of days in the "Deactivate user profiles after this many days of ...
How do I disable the password protection on emailed reports and payslips?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Enable the "Do not password-protect any reports and payslips that are emailed" checkbox on the Security Settings screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Settings
How do I allow company level users access to reactivate inactive (blocked) user profiles?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To enable access to reactivate inactive (blocked) user profiles, the security roles to which company level users are linked to, will have to be updated with the below permission. Navigate > Config > ...
How does the Act On My Behalf permission work?
This feature is only available on Premier and Master editions This enables an employee to nominate another employee to act on their behalf by accessing their ESS profile. The below setting should be activated on ESS Security Permissions. Navigate > ...
How does the Manager Self Service (MSS) security role work?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions If an employee is listed as a Directly reports to person, they will automatically receive the access specified in the MSS Security Role, provided they are registered for ESS. The Directly ...
How do I remove a company level user's access to the system?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A company level user's status can be made Inactive on the User Profiles screen, to remove system access. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Select the user profile from ...
What documentation is required to unblock the only Business Partner level user or company level user on a company's profile?
Due to the sensitive nature of information on PaySpace as well as for security reasons, PaySpace requires the following documentation in order to unblock the blocked user, if the user is the only Company level User or Business Partner Level User on ...
How do I resolve the error: "This record cannot be modified as it was created in a run that is now closed" when trying to edit an employee record?
This freature is available on all PaySpace editions. The error "This record cannot be modified as it was created in a run that is now closed" will display if a user does not have permission to edit historical records and tries to edit a record on any ...
How do I remove/delink a Business Partner profile from a company?
To remove/delink a Business Partner Profile from your company, the Business Partner should send a request to .
How can the permissions from different security roles be applied within each company when a company level user has access to multiple companies and is assigned different security roles in each one?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. If a company level user is linked to multiple security roles, access will be allowed as specified in the security role with the least amount of access across all companies that the user has been ...
How do I validate an email address that has been marked as "invalid"?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An employee's email address can be validated on the Email Address field under the Contact Details tab on thier Basic Profile screen. To initiate the process, click on the "Refresh" icon on the right ...
How do I add a Business Partner user profile?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Business Partner user profiles can be created on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Select the Business Partner option from the dropdown options ...
Why is a user directed to another screen when attempting to approve an employee's KPI?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions If a user does not have access to the Organisation Unit/Region associated with the employee, they will be directed to a different screen when trying to approve the employee's KPIs. To resolve ...
How do I allow employees to update their photos on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To allow employees to update their photos on ESS, give them full access to the "Employee Photo" on the "Employee" menu branch of the ESS security role. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > ...
How do I change an employee's suspension information without opening the run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions In order to change an employee's suspenion information without opening the run, ensure the "Edit historical records" checkbox is enabled on their user profile. Navigate > Configuration > Security > ...
How can a user be removed from the PaySpace mailing list?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If a company and/or business partner-level user is listed as any contact type, they will receive notices regarding various aspects of the system. In order to remove a user from mailing lists, ...
What is the function of the Contact Type field on the User Profiles screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The "Contact Type" field is used to indicate which users within the company should receive specific communications from PaySpace. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles Users can be ...
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