Why does the system show an error stating that an employee is not linked to a leave scheme after being transferred to a different company in the group?
This error occurs because the effective date of the leave scheme is set to a future date instead of the date on which the employee is transferred. Since the leave screens operate in real time, the system only recognizes leave scheme linkages that are ...
Can leave applications that were submitted after the cutoff date, be changed to reflect in the current open run?
This applies to the Premier and Master payroll edition. No, if leave applications were submitted and approved after the cutoff date specified for the run, they will be processed in the following run and the processing thereof can not be changed.
Is it possible to pause an employee’s leave accrual?
This applies to all PaySpace editions No, leave accrual cannot be paused for an individual employee without affecting all employees linked to the leave scheme. Leave accrual is set at the company level, and modifying the accrual to zero would impact ...
How do I resolve the "selected effective date is before the effective dates of any of the leave types in this leave scheme" error when linking an employee to a leave scheme?
This applies to all PaySpace editions To avoid this error, it is recommended that the effective date on each leave bucket is backdated as far back as 1950. Navigate > Config > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Scheme Parameters
Can the system flag the number of days applied for a specified leave bucket to require additional authorisation?
This applies to all PaySpace editions No, the system does not have an option to automatically flag when an employee applies for a specific number of leave days. However, on the Leave Setup screen, there are an advance options to set a limit for leave ...
How can I configure a leave type to prorate leave accrual for the month of engagement or termination?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions Navigate > Config > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Scheme Parameters Step 1: Select to "Edit" the applicable leave type. Step 2: Expand the "advanced options" section. Step 3: ...
How do I remove a Leave Scheme from an employee who should no longer accrue leave?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Once a Leave Scheme is assigned to an employee and leave transactions have been recorded, the Leave Scheme can no longer be deleted. A new Leave Scheme that accrues zero days should be created and ...
How does the "include pending leave applications in projected balance calculation" leave setting work?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions By default, only approved future leave applications are factored into the projected leave balance when an employee submits a leave request via ESS, or when a company level user processes a ...
Why am I receiving a leave error: "Leave value exceeds maximum allowed value for period.", when uploading leave applications via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If leave applications are submitted via Bulk Actions and consecutive days are recorded across multiple Bulk Action sheets as separate one-day applications, the system logic will generate the error ...
How do I determine when an employee's leave cycle starts?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An employee's leave cycle start date can be viewed on the Leave Balances screen. Navigate > Employee > Leave > Leave Balances Important The leave cycle start date will only reflect if the Leave ...
How can the system be configured so that future dated leave applications will be reduced from the period's leave balance that it will be taken?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To have future dated leave applications reduced from the period's leave balance that it will be taken, disable the "Force employee's leave balance to reduce in current period rather than start date ...
Can Leave Schemes be backdated on employee level?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If an employee is linked to a Leave Scheme months after their onboarding, and the Effective Date of the Leave Scheme is backdated, this will not initiate an accrual for payroll runs that have already ...
Why am I receiving the "Employee not linked to a leave scheme" error when the employee is linked to a leave scheme?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. The below error will appear if the effective date inserted for the leave scheme record is future dated. Navigate > Employee > Leave > Leave Setup The employee will be attached to the leave scheme once this date ...
How do I configure the system to allow employees to specify the number of hours when submitting a leave application?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. To allow employees to specify the number of hours when submitting a leave application, enable the below settings. Navigate > Config > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Settings > ...
When should I select "per Month" versus "Upfront" when defining yearly leave accrual rules?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The choice between "per Month" and "Upfront" annual leave accrual rules depends on the company's leave policy and how they prefer to manage leave balances. Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources ...
How do I configure the employee leave entitlement feature?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions This feature provides users the flexibility to configure leave entitlement on employee level without having to create multiple leave schemes on company level for each type of leave entitlement. It is ...
When creating a leave adjustment, does enabling the "Override balance with selected 'No. Days' checkbox affect the employee's opening or closing balance?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. If the "Override balance with selected 'No. Days' " checkbox is enabled when creating a leave adjustment on the employee's Leave Adjustments screen or via the Bulk Actions screen, the value entered ...
How do I configure a leave scheme parameter to accrue on each Fortnightly or Weekly Run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions When an employee accrues leave in a weekly or fortnightly run, the system makes use of the Basic Pay component to determine the hours worked for hours accrued. Example | accrue 1 hour for every 17 ...
Why am I receiving a leave error: "The application cannot be saved as the leave balance is less than the allowed minimum"? when the leave bucket has been configured to go into a negative?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. When submitting a Leave Application, a user may receive the error message: "The application cannot be saved as the leave balance is less than the allowed minimum" in the following scenarios. ...
How do I setup a religious leave scheme parameter?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Make use of the following steps to create a religious leave parameter. Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Scheme Parameters Select the leave type as Special. ...
Leave | Maintaining Public Holidays
Overview The Public Holidays feature allows users to maintain public holidays at different levels, providing more flexibility and control over holiday configurations on company level. The feature includes two screens: Public Holidays Categories and ...
Why would employees receive error message: "No workflow found." when applying for leave or claims?
This applies to all PaySpace editions There are a number of reasons why an employee would receive the "No workflow found." error message. The error may be a result of the below: The employee does not have a directly reports to person loaded on their ...
Which payroll edition of PaySpace do I need to be on in order to access the "advanced options" settings on the Leave Scheme Parameters screen?
To ensure the settings under "advanced options" on the Leave Scheme Parameters screen are displayed, companies have to be on the Premier or Master payroll edition. Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Scheme ...
How do I deactivate an existing leave scheme setup?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Navigate > Config > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Scheme Setup Select the relevant leave scheme to edit, enter an inactive date, and click on the "Update" button.
How do I configure a new leave bucket?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions New leave buckets (e.g. annual leave, sick leave, special leave, etc.) can be created on the Leave Scheme Parameters screen. Read each field description carefully, to identify what information is ...
Why would a user receive a pickle error: "Oops! Something went wrong."?, when accessing an employee's Leave Balance screen, who was onboarded early.
This applies to all PaySpace editions. Users will receive a pickle error when accessing an employee's Leave Balances screen if the record/profile was created before their employment date is realised. Navigate > Employee > Leave > Balances The error ...
Can I only update certain details on employees' Basic Profile screen via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. A new bulk upload functionality has been added that allows users to update employee basic profile information. Once the template has been downloaded, the user can complete the employee code ...
How do I resolve the error: "No pay run has been created for the selected dates, please contact your payroll or HR administrator." when applying for future dated leave?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. This error cannot be resolved until the system automatically generates the runs for the upcoming tax year, therefore the leave application cannot be attached to a run that does not yet exist.
Why does leave not accrue when it is configured for a specified amount of hours to accrue per month?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. Employees will not accrue leave if, for instance, the Annual Leave type is set to accrue 6 hours per 1 month. Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Scheme Parameters When ...
Can I prevent employees from receiving notifications when company level users delete or amend their leave applications?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. No. The system does not cater to prevent employees from receiving notifications when company level users delete or amend their leave applications.
Will the system allow an employee with a leave balance of fewer days to apply for a number of days in the future that exceed their balance?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. By default, the system will reference the employee's projected leave balance for the future. Therefore, the system will allow the employee to apply if they have accumulated enough days by the ...
How does the system's response differ based on the cancellation of the leave application and its status?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. The status of the leave application will affect the system differently if it is cancelled: If leave is approved and is cancelled, the approver/s will receive a notification, and the days will be returned to an ...
Does the system have a feature where teams can be notified once their members' leave applications are approved?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. No. The system does not accommodate for notifying different teams when their member's leave applications are approved.
How do I configure the system so that employees are able to submit leave applications even if they have a negative balance?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Enter an amount in the "do not allow total balance to exceed the following negative amount at any stage:" advanced options field on the applicable leave type, in order to prevent an employee from ...
How do I configure the system to include weekends in Leave Applications?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions In order for the system to consider weekends as a part of the number of days that were applied for, enable the below company setting: Navigate > Config > Human Resources > Leave Administration > ...
How does the "are attachments mandatory for leave applications" advanced option work?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To ensure attachments are attached to a leave application, ensure that the “are attachments mandatory for leave applications” checkbox under advanced options on the applicable leave scheme bucket is ...
How do I link an employee to a new leave scheme while keeping the previous leave scheme's historical data?
Before making the necessary leave adjustments and linking employees to the new leave scheme that is required, you will need to download the Leave Balances report to view the employee's leave balances on the current leave scheme. An employee can be ...
Why would a user receive the warning message "Future dated leave applications could influence this applications ability to be saved based on leave rules related to negative leave balances" when applying for leave?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. A user will receive the the following warning if they are trying to apply for leave while they still have existing leave application that are awaiting approval. Check if the employee has any other leave ...
How do I enable employees to select a specific bucket when applying for leave?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. To allow employees to choose the leave bucket from which their leave will be deducted, use the "Show option to select a specific bucket on the employee leave application screen" checkbox under the ...
Can leave application attachments be made mandatory after a certain amount of days?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. Attachments for leave applications can be made mandatory after a specified amount of days, by enabling the "are attachment mandatory for leave applications?" check box and then entering a value ...
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