Frequencies | Payroll Cycles
How can I change a run to future status?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Open runs can be moved to a future state on the Payslip Pay Dates screen. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Payslip Pay Dates > Open Runs Step 1: Select to Edit the open run. Step 2: Change the status from ...
What is causing the error " Invalid pay date and run order number combination. Please check run sequences for this period." when adding an interim run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The error is generated when creating an interim run and the pay date is not aligned with the run order. Below are two examples to illustrate the error appearing: Example 1: February 2025 main run pay ...
How do I create an interim run that falls before the main run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An interim run also known as an additional run can be attached to your main run to process additional payments or to apply financial corrections to your employees. An interim run that falls before ...
How do I generate runs for prior tax years when creating a new frequency?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The First Pay Period date selected on the date picker will allow you to create runs for prior tax years. This will enable the auto-generation of payroll runs for previous tax years without the need ...
Why are employees unable to view their Payslip for the current open period on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions By default, employees are only able to view payslips on ESS in closed runs. When the "enable payslips to be viewed for an open status:" option is selected, it allows employees to view their payslips ...
What is the purpose of the "Allow users to post figures before the selected date for Run-by-Run take-on purposes" setting on the Pay Frequencies screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. During run-by-run take-on's, companies may request the suspension of system calculations to facilitate the import of specific amounts to employee payslips in order to avoid financial discrepancies ...
Will the new assigned user receive an email notification once a Cloud Room item is assigned to them?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. Once a new Cloud Room item is created and actioned by the assigned user, it can then be reassigned to a different user. The new assigned user will receive an email notification for the Cloud ...
How do I create a child Cloud Room item?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Cloud Room enables users to create Parent and Child items. The Parent item is the primary or initial item created, and Child item can then be created and linked to the corresponding Parent item. ...
How do I keep track of various Cloud Room items?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. All Cloud Room items that have been created within a specific company can be tracked on the Process Progress screen. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Process Progress.
How do I setup Checklist Items for Cloud Room?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Checklist items would need to be configured on company level prior to creating a Cloud Room item. Navigate > Config > Basic Settings > Payroll Cycle Setup > Period Processes Definition Checklist ...
How do I setup Group Names for Cloud Room items?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Group names would need to be configured on company level prior to creating a Cloud Room item. The Period Processes screen is used to create Group Names that are required when creating Cloud Room ...
What is the maximum file size when uploading attachments on Cloud Room?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The maximum file size when uploading attachments on Cloud Room is 27MB.
Why would a user not reflect on the assigned user dropdown list when creating a Cloud Room item?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The following conditions must be met for a user to appear in the assigned user dropdown list when creating a Cloud Room item: Step 1. The user would need to be granted access to the relevant company ...
Can Attachments be deleted once added to a Cloud Room item?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. No. Attachments cannot be deleted once added to a Cloud Room item. The entire Cloud Room item would need to be deleted. Attachments can only be downloaded. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Cloud Room > ...
Can multiple documents be simultaneously uploaded to Cloud Room?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. Add all the documents into a zipped folder and upload the zipped folder to Cloud Room. Alternatively, each document may be uploaded one by one.
Payroll Cycle | Cloud Room
Overview Cloud Room is a secure portal within PaySpace geared towards outsource environments and payroll processes where customers send information to PaySpace and vice versa for processing and feedback/response purposes. Instead of exchanging ...
Can a frequency be configured so that the first run is prior to the open period in which it was created?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Yes. The system does allow a frequency's start date to be before the open period in which it was created. However, it is important to note, that the first run must fall within the current tax year. ...
Why am I receiving the error: "Date inserted cannot be before the current tax year start date" when adding a weekly or fortnighly frequency?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The error "Date inserted cannot be inserted before the current tax year start date" will display if the selected date in the "Start Date" field is before the current tax year start date. Navigate > ...
Why would I receive the error "Tax certificate prefix required" when adding a new frequency?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The error "Tax certificate prefix required" will display when the tax certificate number prefix has not been captured on completing the Pay Frequency parameters on the Company Pay Frequencies ...
How do I configure the system to show the Basic Pay quantity in days instead of hours?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Enable the following setting on the Pay Frequencies screen for the Basic Pay quantity to show in days instead of hours. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Pay Frequencies > General ...
What does error: "tax year start date needs to be calculated within a 7 day multiple of your first run date" mean, when creating a Weekly or Fortnightly frequency?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. If the first day of the Weekly frequency falls on a Monday, the tax year start date needs to be the Monday closest to 1 March. For example, if the frequency's start date is Monday, 24 July 2023, the ...
How do I change the pay date of a frequency for all future runs?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. Changing the pay date of future runs requires changing the company's current run setup. This may be a billable exercise. Complete and send the attached form to to facilitate the change. ...
What should be done after completing a payroll run setup and there are no future payroll runs appearing on the system?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. If there are no payroll runs in a Future status on the Payslip Pay Dates screen, contact for further assistance. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Payslip Pay Dates
Does the system verify whether an Attachment selected has been successfully uploaded to Cloud Room?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. A Status field has been added on the Cloud Room screen to inform users if their file is still Pending and if they need to click on Update. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Cloud Room > + Item Note! The ...
Why does the system show an error for the pay date when I try to close my payroll run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. There are two scenarios where an error with pay dates may occur when trying to close a payroll run. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Payslip Pay Dates Scenario 1: The pay date cannot be before the period ...
How can I set up the system to automatically close runs a certain number of days before the pay date?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Navigate > Config > Basic Settings > Company Settings > General Settings > Payroll Settings Insert the desired number of days that the run should close before its pay date.
Why can't employees view their payslips for a closed run on ESS?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. Employees' will no longer be able to view or e-mail their payslips on ESS, if the "disable payslip viewing access for ESS users for closed runs?" checkbox is enabled on for the specified run on the Payslip Pay ...
How do I change existing run setups?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Changes to existing run setups cannot be done by customers. Complete the attached templates and forward to for assistance. Changes to existing run setups will be billable. ...
Is it possible to change the start and end dates of a monthly frequency to transition from the middle of one month to the middle of the next month?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. It is not possible to change a Monthly frequency's start and end dates to transition from the middle of one month to the middle of the next month. Monthly frequencies start at the beginning of each month and end ...
How do I configure the default hours per day and days per month that employee's will work?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The default hours per day and days per month can be configured on the Pay Frequency screen. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Pay Frequencies > Default pay rate The values inserted will ...
How do I correct run errors if runs are opened non sequentially?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. When reviewing reopened runs, start with the oldest reopened run. After that, move on to reopening runs from the Closed Runs section. Once the reopened runs are reflecting in sequential order, ...
What is the function of the "send out scheduled reports on pay day" option on the Payslip Pay Dates screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Enabling the "send out scheduled reports on pay day" option when editing a run on the Payslip Pay Dates screen will email each user's scheduled reports when the run closes on the specified pay date. ...
How do I change the pay date for all future runs in the middle of the tax year?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The Pay Date can be changed on the Company Pay Frequencies screen however any changes made mid-tax year will only reflect in the new tax year. Important! Changing the pay date of all future runs, on ...
How do I delete an interim run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An interim run can only be deleted if no financial data was linked to it. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Payslip Pay Dates > Open Runs
What might be a possible reason for a payroll run not successfully closing?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. A run error may be preventing a run from being closed. Run errors will be displayed on the top right hand corner of the title bar and can be viewed by clicking on the exclamation icon. Navigate > Payroll cycle > ...
On which payroll edition of PaySpace should I be on to use the Retroactive function?
This feature is available on the Master edition. The Retrospective Function allows you to process backdated payroll changes, and is only available on the Master payroll edition for companies registered for the tax authority: South Africa. Related FAQ ...
How do I change the pay date for the current open run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The pay date for a run can be changed by editing the run and selecting the desired pay date. Navigate > Payroll Cycle > Payslip Pay Dates > Edit
What is the difference between a Main and an Interim run?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. A Main Run is a pay run that has been automatically created based on the setup that was done when the frequency was created. It needs to be open for editing before payroll can be processed. A Main ...
Can a main run be deleted?
This applies to all PaySpace editions. No. A Main Run can never be deleted. Related FAQ How do I delete an interim run?
Can I make changes to an existing frequency?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Once a frequency is created, the system automatically creates future runs for the remainder of the Tax Year based on the settings selected. If any of these settings are incorrect, applying a change ...
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