How do I configure a 13th check bonus component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A 13th check in South Africa is an additional payment that is equivalent to one month's salary. Step 1: Add the "Company Bonus - Income Base 2" component. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config ...
How do I configure the Advised Deduction component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Advised Deduction component needs to be configured on company level before linking it on employee profiles. Step 1: Search for and create the Advised Deduction component. Navigate > Config > ...
Why am I receiving the "Validation Failed" error when trying to copy components to a different frequency/company?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If the component includes an Income Base Formula that references a component not present in the destination company, the system will display the following error: To prevent this error, the component ...
How do I copy payroll components to companies within the group?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions Payroll components can be copied between companies within the same group on the Copy Payroll Components screen. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Copy Payroll Components Step 1: ...
How do I copy payroll components between frequencies?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions Payroll components can be copied between frequencies within a company on the Copy Payroll Components screen. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Copy Payroll Components Step 1: ...
Why do I receive the error "Cannot have multiple active medical aid components of the same type, please delete existing before adding a new one" when attempting to add the Medical Aid deduction component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The error occurs because the employee has a Personal Medical Aid listed under the Personals Payslip Action on the Recurring Payroll Components screen. An employee cannot have both a Medical Aid ...
How do I remove the Automatic Bonus / Tax Spread component from an employee's payslip?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An employee may choose to spread the tax on a guaranteed bonus over the tax year using the Automatic Bonus/Tax Spread component. This should ideally be processed in March and will result in the ...
Components | The Sub-Code Function: A Flexible Income Base
About When an income base has been configured to allow for sub-code functionality the Compliance team ensures that the correct tax codes are by default included in the income base. This is normally used on note components to support statutory ...
Components | Editing a Component
Overview To edit/reconfigure a component, select the "Edit" hyperlink on the right hand side of the applicable component, which will open a screen with numerous options. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace payroll editions. Navigation ...
Components | The Payroll Components Screen
Overview The Company Payroll Components screen stores a library of payslip actions a company requires on employee level. This includes automatic components (that will automatically populate/calculate on the Edit Payslip screen every period), and ...
Angola | How Do I Exempt An Employee From Social Security?
To exempt an employee from Social Security, the "Social Security Exemption" component is available for use and would be added on the employee's Recurring Payroll Component screen (Employee > Payroll Processing > Recurring Payroll Components). This ...
Angola | How Do I Exempt An Employee From INSS?
To exempt an employee from INSS, the "INSS Exemption" component is available for use and would be added on the employee's Recurring Payroll Component screen (Employee > Payroll Processing > Recurring Payroll Components). This can also be done via ...
South Africa | Run Error: Travel Tax Cannot Be 100% For This Tax Year
From the 2024/2025 year of assessment moving forward, employees are not to be linked to the "Tax travel at 100 percent" option on the Travel Business Usage component. A run error will appear if selected. According to the definition of remuneration as ...
South Africa | Retirement Fund DC, DB & Hybrid Fund Fringe Benefit Calculation
The fringe benefit component will calculate based on the company contribution to the Pension/Provident Fund. DC Fund: Fringe Benefit = Pension Employer Contribution DB/Hybrid Fund: Fringe Benefit = (A X B) - C A: Category factor provided by the fund ...
South Africa | How Does The Loan Deduction Interest Note Component Calculate?
The Loan Deduction Interest Note Component will take the outstanding balance of the loan and multiply it by the monthly/fortnightly/weekly interest rate (depending on the frequency) provided by the user. Note: The interest rate is inserted on the ...
Components | Income Base Formulas
Overview Any pre-defined formula containing the words: Comp Income Base, requires an income base formula to be specified for the component to calculate. This article explores how to define an income base that is applied in the pre-defined formula: ...
How do I define an income base formula on a component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions When adding a new component with an income base formula (defined income), the calculation can refer to various sources in the payroll for example, a specific component, the employee’s hourly rate or ...
Components | Pre-Defined Formulas
Overview Pre-defined Formulas offer an indication of what type of input you will have to provide when adding the component to the employee’s record. A Pre-defined Formula can be as simple as inputting an advised amount to applying a complex ...
Components | The Types of Components in PaySpace
Overview Components refer to the various payroll items that are added and displayed on the Recurring Payroll Components and Edit Payslip screens. This includes allowances, deductions, company contributions, fringe benefits, personal contributions and ...
Components | The Claim Components Settings Screen
Overview Claim components are created on the Claim Component Settings screen. Edition This feature is available on the Premier and Master editions Navigation Path Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Claim Component Settings Details ...
How can I configure the system to calculate a component for a specific week within a month?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To configure the system to calculate a component for a specific week within a month, enable the "only calculate this component in the selected runs of the month:" setting when editing the component ...
How do I configure a Standby Allowance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A Standby Allowance component can be created using the Other Allowance Taxable (3713) component as a base component. Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components
How do I configure a Foreign or Local Subsistence Allowance as a claim component?
This feature is available on the Premier or Master edition Make use of the following steps to configure the component to be submitted on the Claims screen. Step 1: Ensure that the Foreign or Local Subsistence Allowance component is added and the Rate ...
How do I configure a Foreign or Local Subsistence Allowance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions In South Africa, a subsistence allowance is an amount paid to employees to cover the costs associated with meals, accommodation, and incidental expenses while they are away from their usual place of ...
How do I setup the Medical Aid Gap Cover component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A Medical Aid scheme has to be setup on company level before the Medical Aid Gap Cover component can be configured. Related FAQ How do I setup a Medical Aid scheme? Navigate > Configuration > Payroll ...
How do I configure a Medical Aid Allowance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A Medical Aid Allowance component can be created using the Other Allowance Taxable (3713) component as a base component. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components
How do I configure a component to always calculate regardless of if there is basic pay present on the employees payslip?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A component can be configured to calculate on employees' payslips regardless of if the Basic Pay component is displayed. Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components > ...
How do I assign a minimum value to a component so that a value less than the specified amount cannot be processed?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The system allows a minimum value to be assigned to a component, on company level. This means that when a company or business partner level user processes the component on employee level, the amount ...
How do I assign a maximum value to a component so that it cannot exceed the specified amount when processed?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The system allows a maximum value to be assigned to a component, on company level. This means that when a company or business partner level user processes the component on employee level, the amount ...
How do I setup a Council Levy component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Council Levy component can be configured on company level as follows: Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components Step 1: Search for "Employer Levy" and select one of the ...
How do I add the COIDA Company Provision component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The COIDA Company Provision component has to be configured on company level before it can be added to an employee. Step 1: Search for and add the COIDA Company Provision Component. Navigate > Config ...
How do I configure the Overtime component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Overtime component has to be configured on company level before adding it to an employee. Step 1: Search for and create the required Overtime component. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll ...
How do I configure a Night Shift component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Step 1: Search for and select the Night Shift component. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components Specify the Overtime Factor. Select and define the income base for the ...
How do I deactivate a component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A component that was added to an employee’s record, can never be deleted. When editing it, enable the "inactive" checkbox to deactivate it, thus making it unavailable on employee level. Navigate > ...
How do I configure a Funeral Fund component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Funeral Fund component has to be configured on company level before it can be linked to employees. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components Step 1: Search for and select ...
How do I configure a component to not show on an employees payslip?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To hide a component on a payslip, enable the "do not show on payslip" extra option checkbox on the component. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components
How do I configure an Office Allowance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Public Office Allowance and Public Office Fringe Benefit components have to be configured on company level before they can be linked to an employee. Step 1: Add the "Public Office Allowance" and ...
How do I configure the Advance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Advance component needs to be configured on company level before it can be linked to employee profiles. Step 1: Search for and create the Advance component. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll ...
How do I configure an Automatic Bursary and Scholarship component for NQF level 1 - 4?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Automatic Busaries and Scholarships component has to be configured on company level before it can be linked to an employee. Step 1: Confirm the NQF Level of the bursary and create the Automatic ...
How do I configure an Automatic Bursary and Scholarship component for NQF level 5 and above?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Automatic Busaries and Scholarships NQF Level 5 and above component has to be configured on company level before it can be linked to an employee. Step 1: Confirm the NQF Level of the bursary and ...
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