Burundi | Should the Non Taxable portion of the Pension be included in Gross Income?
Non-Taxable Income should not be included in the Gross Employment Income. As per Article 30 of the Act: "Revenu d’emploi (employment income) is defined in Article 30. The deduction from Article 33 with the limit of 20% of the gross employment income ...
Ivory Coast | Where does the field "Code Emploi" generate from on the ETAT 301 Report?
The field "Code Emploi" generates the information from the Employee Basic Information screen for the ETAT 301 Report. Employee Basic Information > Basic Profile > Employee Details > categorie d'employe' The job codes used are: DR - Director CS - ...
Egypt | What is the preferred Tax Method?
There are two Tax Methods used in Egypt: Average Tax Method Non - Cumulative Tax Method The monthly Average tax method using the annual tax tables is the preferred tax method which uses the maximum number of days in a month of 30. A year to date ...
Egypt | Is the use of cell phones taxable?
The taxable benefit value is 20% of the related phone expenses throughout the year. You must capture the amount on the Recurring Payroll Components screen, then 20% of the advised amount is returned as the taxable Fringe Benefit. The component "Cell ...
Benin | What is the preferred Tax Method?
There are two Tax Methods used in Benin: Average Tax Method Non - Cumulative Tax Method The monthly Non-Cumulative tax calculation is the preferred method in Benin. A month-to-month take-on would be suggested, due to the Non-Cumulative Tax Method ...
Niger | Who is liable for ITS Tax?
In Niger, the following persons are liable for ITS tax. Employees who have a habitual residence. Employees who, without having a habitual residence or tax domicile, receive salary income from an employer based in Niger. Annuitants who have a habitual ...
Malawi | Where do I insert the TIN number for an employee?
The tax payer identification number or know as the TIN number must be on the employee tax profile screen. Employee > Basic Information > Tax Profile > Tax Reference Number
Malawi | Who is exempt from NPS?
As per Section 11(1) of the Pensions Act, the Minister, in consultation with the Minister responsible for Labour and with the Registrar, may, by order published in the Gazette, exempt any class or category of employers or employees from complying ...
Uganda | How to exempt employees from LST Levies
The Local Service Tax (LST) in Uganda is a mandatory contribution based on income bands for employees, however certain categories are exempt from LST. Members of the Uganda Police Force Members of the Uganda Prison Service Members of the Uganda ...
Kenya | Meal allowances FB explained
The value of meals served to employees in a canteen or cafeteria operated or established by the employer or provided by a third party who is registered taxpayer (whether the meals are supplied in the premises of the employer or the premises of the ...
Mozambique | Difference between Meal Allowances and Meal Benefits
Within Mozambique Income tax law specifically makes distinction between Meal Allowances and Meal Fringe Benefits which are taxed differently based on varying factors. Meal Allowances are taxed by comparing the value of meal allowances against the ...
Kenya | How SHIF Deduction Works
The National Health Insurance Fund has been replaced by the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) administered by the Social Healthcare Authority (SHA) effective 1st October 2024. A contributor to this fund is defined as a person liable to contribute ...
South Africa | Why Are Changes Made On The Take On Screen Not Reflecting On The Drill Down
When the effective date of the first Payrate details record falls outside the month of the Take On run, any modifications made on the Take On screen will not be reflected on the Tax Certificate or the Historical Drilldown screen. To clarify: 1. The ...
South Africa | What are the UIF Employment Status Code Descriptions on the UIF Declaration File?
The Employment Status descriptions are displayed as codes on the UIF Declaration File. These codes are related to the below descriptions: 01 - Active 02 - Deceased 03 - Retired 04 - Dismissed 05 - Contract Expired 06 - Resigned 07 - Constructively ...
Ivory Coast | Couverture Maladie Universelle
The Couverture Maladie Universelle company contribution and employer contribution are contributed based in dependents as required by legislation. However, children who have reached the age of 21 are not subject to the contribution towards this health ...
Ethiopia | What is the preferred Tax Method to use?
The following tax methods are available in Ethiopia: Average Tax Method (Year to Date) Non-Cumulative Tax Method (Month to Date) The preferred tax method for Ethiopia is Non-Cumulative Tax Method. When creating a new company the tax method defaults ...
Kenya | Insurance Relief
An Insurance relief component is calculated on the payslip section for employees who qualify for the relief. The relief is calculated at a rate of 15% of the amount of premiums paid but shall not exceed KSh 5000.00 per month totalling KSh 60 000 ...
Mauritius | How does "selection for First Time Employment" effect Periods Worked?
When making the selection for First Time Employment under: Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Employee If you Select "Yes" the ACMS Periods Accumulated are counted from the start of the Tax Year (July). If you Select "No" the ACMS Periods ...
Cameroon | How to Exempt an employee from CRTV Contributions
The Audiovisual Communication Tax (RAV) is a license fee intended to contribute to the development of audiovisual activity instituted for the benefit of the Cameroon Radio-Television Corporation (CRTV). Exemptions of CRTV contributions do apply to ...
Cameroon | When and How does the Graduate under 35 tax status apply to employees
Cameroon offers a Tax Incentivized program supported by the General Tax code of 2023 for employers to appoint individuals with a Graduate Degree at the age of 35 years or younger. The exemption is granted to firms falling under the actual earnings ...
Mali | What is the preferred Tax Method?
There are two Tax Methods used in Mali: Average Tax Method Non - Cumulative Tax Method The monthly Non-Cumulative tax calculation with regularisation at year-end or termination is the preferred method in Mali. A month-to-month take-on would be ...
Mali | How do I include or exclude components in AMO Earnings?
AMO Earnings by default will include tax codes: SAL BONUS OTHER OTHEREXCL EXPATA 10TAX To include or exclude tax codes, we have added a Component Taxability Screen where these changes can be made. Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Component ...
Kenya | What needs to be captured on the Company Car Fringe Benefit Details Screen?
When adding the Company Car Fringe Benefit under the Recurring Payroll Component Screen. Payroll Processing > Recurring Payroll Components > Fringe Benefit The Fringe Benefit requires to complete details of the Vehicle to apply the calculation. These ...
Egypt | Is the Martyr's Fund an Allowable?
The Martyr's Fund is not an allowable but just a mandatory deduction, which is applicable for all Tax Statuses. The only Tax Codes that are Allowables are INSSALOW, PRELIEF, PRELIEFAR, SOCEEB, and SOCEEBA
Kenya | NSSF Tier 2 Contracted Out
Tier 2 contributions are in respect of Pensionable Earnings between the Lower Earnings Limit (KSh 7000) and the Upper Earnings Limit (KSh 36 000) and shall be credited into a Tier 2 account. Tier 2 contributions can be paid to a private pension ...
Cameroon | How To Exclude Fringe Benefits From CNPS Revenue (NSIF)
Fringe benefits can be included/excluded from the calculation of CNPS Revenue(NSIF). To include/exclude Fringe benefits navigate: Config> Basic Settings> Company Settings> Basic Company Information On the drop down option select the appropriate ...
Tunisia | Work Accident and Occupational Disease Sector Percentage
The Work Accident and Occupational Disease component calculates based on a sector percentage. The percentage varies according to the sector of activity, ranging from 0.4% to 4%. The percentage must be advised on the component. Navigate: Config> ...
Kenya | Relocation Allowance
Relocation allowance is treated as a taxable emolument except where the allowance is a reimbursement of actual costs incurred by the employee in relocating to a new work location. Relocation Costs are not specifically mentioned in the Kenyan Income ...
UAE | How do I resolve "Error Check: EOS Calculation (Inactive)"
This error is related to "Employee Daily Rate (EOS Calculation)" Note component that is added on the recurring screen. When receiving this error there are 3 fields that need to be completed. The employee package rate has to be completed on the Pay ...
Mali | How to activate the Dependant Relief if you added a child mid-year?
When adding a child dependant in the middle of the tax year the relief won't automatically apply. The tick on the dependants' screen to "Apply from 1 January" under the statutory field will needs to be selected to apply the relief. Employee > Basic ...
Nigeria | Why Are Employees Missing From The OGIRS Monthly/Annual Tax Reports?
Employees will only be considered for the OGIRS Monthly and Annual Tax Reports if they have a payslip value greater than zero in the specified tax year and are attached to the State "Ogun" on the Employee Tax Drilldown screen. For more information on ...
South Africa | UIF Declaration File Submission Process
When the company setting below is activated, the UIF declaration file is automatically submitted to the Department of Labour (DoEL) via Payspace on the 7th of each month, covering the data from the previous month. The preferred method for submitting ...
Cameroon | CNPS Sector Activity Minimum
There are various minimum amounts for CNPS Revenue, which depend on the activity of each sector. The CNPS Revenue base cannot be lower than the Guaranteed Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMIG), which is set at 36,270.00 per month. Minimum: The ...
Madagascar | How to Exempt employee records from Health Organization Contributions
Within the Madagascar country, Health Organizations are allocated based on the region of the employer and where employees will be located in ordinary days of work. Unique scenarios can determine that specific employees would be exempt from ...
Egypt | How to exempt employee records from Martyr’s Fund Levy
The option to exempt an employee from the national Martyr’s Fund Levy is available to exempt specific employees from the statutory obligation. Navigate to Employee > Basic Profile From the Statutory fields section, select the option to exempt the ...
Egypt | How to exempt Directors from social security contributions
Within Egypt the option to exempt Directors of a company from the standard social security can be applied by highlighting a Director status. Navigate to Employee > Tax Profile Ensure the employee record tax status field is set to Directors from the ...
Namibia | Travel Allowance & Reimbursements
Travel Reimbursements Travel reimbursement is provided to cover employees' travel expenses and is not subject to tax through payroll, as it simply compensates the employees for the costs they incurred during business travel. However, on assessment, ...
Zimbabwe | How to Generate reports in Zig currency.
The statutory report function has the ability to generate the reports in the ZIG currency instead of USD. The logic will require the currency exchange rate functionality to be active and a exchange rate specified for both the USD and ZIG currencies. ...
Mali | How to apply family benefits rebate for current tax year during a take on
In Mali when a new company is added after the first month of the tax year, and financial take on is done to store historical information for periods before being added to the system, the option to include all family benefit rebate values per ...
Zambia | How to exclude an employee from Personal Levy
The Personal Levy Exemption component has to be created on company level before it can be added to an employee's Recurring Payroll Components screens. Step 1: Create the Personal Levy Exemption component on company level. Navigate > Configuration > ...
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