Security | Creating a Security Role
Overview You can create Security Roles to specify which screens and fields a user can access. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Navigation Path Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles Details Field ...
How long will it take before the system automatically logs/times me out?
The system will automatically time a user out of the system after 20 minutes of inactivity. The system will display a pop-up warning message indicating that the session is about to expire, offering the user the choice to either log off or stay logged ...
Why are a users prompted to reset their password every time they log in?
If the "password expiry period" setting is enabled to indicate the password expiry period as 1, the user will be prompted to reset their password when logging in every day as the password expires every one day. Navigate > Configuration > Basic ...
Security | Activating a User
Overview User profiles are automatically made inactive when a user has five incorrect login attempts. The user profile can be made active again on the User Profiles Screen or the Activate Users Screen. Edition This feature is available on all ...
Security | Utilising Manager Self Service Functionality
Overview Employee Self Service (ESS) functionality allows employees to log in as a user and access screens that are relevant to the employee. Manager Self Service (MSS) adds to this functionality by permitting the manager access to selected ...
Security | Creating a Security Role
Overview Security Roles can be created to specify which screens and fields a user should have access to when logging into the system. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Navigation Path Navigate > Config > Security > Security ...
How do I restrict a company level user from accessing specific organisation units?
The User Org. Unit Permissions screen allows you to specify which employees the user will have access to on Organisation Unit or Region level. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > User Org. Unit Permissions Step 1: Select a user. Step 2: ...
What is the function of the "is this role an admin role" security role setting?
A user that has been linked to a security role that has been defined as an admin role and who is the final approver in a workflow path, can approve and commit workflow items between the payroll cut-off date and the pay date to the current open run. ...
Why is an employee's valid email address reflecting as "invalid" on their Basic Profile screen?
The system has been enhanced with a visual validation mechanism that displays the validity of an email address inserted on the Basic Information screen. Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Contact Details The system will run the ...
Why does the system restrict a MSS user's access to their subordinate's dashboard?
If an MSS user's subordinate access is restricted to their dashboard, it could be because they were previously a company level user with organisation unit restrictions. Use these steps to troubleshoot the issue. Step 1: Change the MSS user profile's ...
How can I configure the system to allow a company level user to use a single email address to access multiple companies without encountering an error?
When a user tries to use one email address to create multiple company level profiles, the following error message will be shown on the User Profiles screen: Please select a different email address as email already exists. A company level user can ...
When will a payslip be password protected?
A payslip will be password protected when users select the "Email" icon on the Edit Payslip or Payslips screens. Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip / Navigate > Employee > Payroll Results > Payslips Note! The password will be the ...
How can I configure the system to allow a new employee to use the same email address to access their ESS and company level user profile?
Make use of the following steps to configure the system so that a newly added employee can use one email address as a company level and ESS user. Step 1: Capture the user as an employee on the system and capture an email address on the Contact ...
How do I create a security role?
Security roles are created on the Security Role Screen to specify the screens a user can access. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > Security Roles Step 1: Before the permissions to required screens on the system can be selected, define ...
How do I add a new company level user?
Company level users are created and maintained on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Ensure that "Company" is selected from the dropdown list and select the "+" button to add a new user ...
What is the function of the Contact Type field on the User Profiles screen?
The "Contact type" field is a new field used to advise which users within the company should receive specific communication from PaySpace. The contact type option 'Payroll Contact'" contact type will receive newsletters. Users can be attached to one ...
How can a user be removed from the PaySpace mailing list?
If a company and/or business partner-level user is listed as any contact type, they will receive notices regarding various aspects of the system. In order to remove a user, uncheck the relevant checkbox and save their profile. Navigate > ...
How do I add a Business Partner level user profile?
Business Partner level users can be created on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > User Profiles Select the Business Partner option from the dropdown options in the search bar. Select the + Option to add a ...
If a company level user has access to multiple companies and have been linked to different security roles in each company, how can the the permissions linked to each security role be applied in each company?
If a user profile is linked to multiple security roles, access will be allowed as specified in the security role with the least amount of access across all companies the user has been given access to. Enable the following checkbox on the Security ...
How do I remove/delink a Business Partner profile from a company?
To remove/delink a Business Partner Profile from your company, the Business Partner should send a request to
How do I resolve error: "This record cannot be modified as it was created in a run that is now closed" when trying to edit an employee record?
The error "This record cannot be modified as it was created in a run that is now closed" will display if a user does not have permission to edit historical records and tries to edit a record on any screen created in a run that is now closed. To ...
How do I remove a company level user's access to the system?
A Company level user profile's status can be made "Inactive" on the User Profiles screen, to remove their system access. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Select the user profile from the company or employee User ...
How does the Manager Self Service (MSS) security role work?
If an employee is registered for ESS and is linked as a directly reports to person they will automatically be linked to the Manager Self Service (MSS) security role and have access as specified on the security role. Navigate > Configuration > ...
How does the "on behalf of" feature work?
An employee may want to give another employee permission to capture information on their behalf. Step 1: Update the ESS security role by giving employees access to the "On Behalf Of" screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > Security ...
How do I disable the password protection on emailed reports and payslips?
To do so, enable the "Do not password-protect any reports and payslips that are emailed" checkbox on the Security Settings screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > Security Settings
How do I configure the system to automatically deactivate a user profile when it has been inactive for a specified period of time?
In order for the system to deactivate user profiles that have been inactive for a specified amount of time, specify the number of days in the "Deactivate user profiles after this many days of inactivity" field on the Security Settings screen. ...
How do I ensure selected business partner- or company level users receive PaySpace communication emails?
To ensure that selected business partner or company level users receive PaySpace communication emails (e.g. Newsletters), select "Payroll Contact" from the dropdown list in the Contact Type field on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Configuration ...
Why would new employees not reflect on a report generated by a Business Parter or company level user?
A business partner or company level user may be unable to view a new employee's record because they do not have access to the organisation unit that the employee is linked to. New employees may not reflect on reports if they do not have a position ...
What is the benefit of the automated email notification employees receive when their bank details are changed on the system?
This enhancement adds value to the company's audit requirements, as it will immediately highlight any fraudulent activity . Important! Ensure employees’ email addresses are captured on their Basic Profile screens and they do not need to be registered ...
How long does a new Business Partner or company level user have to change their password upon logging into the system for the first time?
If a new Business Partner or Company level user does not log into the system to change their password within two hours of being loaded on the User Profile screen, they will need to use the Reset Password option on the Login screen to create a new ...
Why is the employee not receiving their ESS registration email?
An employee may not be receiving their ESS Registration email because their email address has not passed the email validation process. The following steps may be followed: Step 1: Verify if the affected user's email address has passed or failed the ...
How do I restrict a company level user from accessing specific companies and/or frequencies?
The User Profile screen allows you to specify which companies and/or frequencies a company level user will have access to under the "Company & Frequency Access:" section. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > User Profiles
Why can't a company level user access an employee record when they have been granted access to organisation units?
If a company level user cannot access an employee record and has been granted access to organisation units and/or regions, the employee may not have a position record captured on their Position screen. Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > ...
How do I correct the following report error: "You are linked to organisation units and regions and therefore do not have permission to execute this report"?
The "You are linked to organisation units and regions and therefore do not have permission to execute this report" error will appear on a report when the affected company level user has been restricted from accessing specific organisation units on ...
Why does a company level user not appear as an approver when employees submit a claim or leave application, but is linked to a security role and the respective workflow path?
In addition to being linked to a security role and the relevant workflow configurations, the company level user has to be registered for ESS (Employee Self Service) in order to appear as an approver when employees submit a claim or leave application. ...
How do I configure the system to allow user passwords to expire after a certain period?
By default, the system does not allow passwords to expire. The "password expiry period" setting can be enabled, where the number of days can be specified, which will enforce a regular change of passwords in conjunction with the Security module. ...
Why does the system redirect a company level user to their ESS profile when they attempt to access their employee record?
When a company level user attempts to access their employee record as an admin user, the system will redirect them to their ESS profile if they do not have access to edit their own profile. To ensure that company level users can edit their own ...
How do I configure the system to restrict terminated employees from logging into the system?
To deny system access to terminated employees, enable the "Deactivate user profiles for terminated employees after their termination date" checkbox on the Security Settings screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > Security Settings ...
Why can't a manager see their subordinates' leave application on their ESS dashboard?
Managers will not be able to view their subordinates' leave applications on their ESS dashboard because the MSS security role restricts access to the Inbox widget. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles > Add/Edit/View Permissions
How do I update an existing security role's permissions?
An existing security role's permissions can be updated on the various menu branches after accessing the "Add/Edit/View Permissions" link in the grid at the bottom of the Security Roles screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > Security ...
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