United Kingdom | Personal Allowance
Employees in the UK are entitled to a Personal Allowance. This is the amount of money an employee does not have to pay income tax on in a tax year. For the 2024/25 tax year, the personal allowance is £12 570. To calculate this, an employee must have ...
How do I attach documents to an employee record?
Documents can be attached to an employee record on the Attachments screen. Attachment Classifications can be created on company level to categorise the attachments added on an employee's record. Step 1: Create Attachment Classifications on company ...
What is the required format when capturing a postal code?
The postcode is a combination of between five and seven alphanumeric characters which define four different levels of geographic unit. It is part of a coding system created and used by the Royal Mail across the United Kingdom for sorting mail. The ...
Can a custom field be created on the Leave Application screen?
Yes. Custom fields can be created on the Leave Application screen. Navigate > Configuration > Basic Settings > Customs Screens & Fields > Custom Fields
How do I upload a photo to an employee's profile?
An employee's photo can be uploaded under the Personal tab on the Basic Profile screen. Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Personal > Employee photo
How do I link an employee to a region?
Regions first need to be created on company level before they can be linked to an employee. Step 1: Create Regions on company level. Related FAQ How do I configure regions on company level? Step 2: Link the employee to the Region on the employee's ...
How do I link an employee to a project?
An employee can be linked to a project on the Project Details screen under the Costing section of their employee profile. Select the "+ Project" button and insert relevant project details to which the employee must be linked. Navigate > Employee > ...
How can I view a summary of an employee's details?
Click on an employee’s name in the Location Menu on the top left corner, to view a summary of the employee’s details. Employee > Location Menu
What format should be used when capturing an address on employee level?
Addresses in the United Kingdom should be captured using the Street Name / Address 1 and Suburb / Address 2 as the Full Payment Submission (FPS) requires addresses to be broken down into at least two elements. The post code format is a maximum length ...
Employment Record Details
There are various fields to be completed on an employees Basic Profile screen including statutory or custom fields. The mandatory fields marked with an asterix on the employees Details tab would need to be completed prior to completing the Employment ...