Bulk Actions
Why would I receive an "Invalid Frequency" error when uploading an MS Excel template via the Bulk Actions screen?
The "Invalid Frequency" error will display if a user downloaded the template and completed it on one frequency for example Monthly and then uploaded it to the Weekly frequency on the Bulk Actions screen. To resolve the error select the correct ...
How do I resolve the error "Advise which day of the month this reminder should recur" on the Bulk Actions screen?
The error "Advise which day of the month this reminder should recur" will display as follows. Navigate > Bulk Actions Verify that the Reminder Day Field have been completed with a numerical number on the MS Excel Template sheet to indicate on which ...
How do I resolve the error "Reminder Day- Invalid Value" when on the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition The error "Reminder Day- Invalid Value" will display as follows. Navigate > Bulk Actions The error will display if the reminder day have been completed as follows instead of a numeric value ...
Can custom forms be created via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Custom Forms can be created via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Is there a report that can be downloaded that will list the errors attached to employees on an unsuccessful bulk upload?
For bulk uploads that fail with errors on the spreadsheet, navigate to the History button on Bulk Actions screen, and click on the download button to retrieve your file. A column at the end of the sheet that specifies the errors per row, making it ...
Can qualifications be created on company level on the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Qualifications be created on company level on the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Can skills be created on employee level on the Bulk Actions screen?
Skills can be defined on an employee record on the Skills screen. This can be done via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
How do I resolve the "Uploading new employee not allowed while "Generate Employee Numbers" enabled" error on the Bulk Actions screen?
To resolve the "Uploading new employee not allowed while "Generate Employee Numbers" enabled" error on the Bulk Actions screen, disable the "Generate Employee Numbers" checkbox under the General Details tab on the Basic Company Information screen. ...
Why are there no project codes reflected on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet?
If there are no project codes reflected on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet, it means that no projects have been set up on the Project Costing screen. Click on + icon to create projects. Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Costing > Project Costing
How do I exclude terminated employees when configuring data on employee screens via the Bulk Actions screen?
To exclude terminated employees when configuring data on employee screens via the Bulk Actions screen, enable the "Do not allow payslip bulk uploads for employees with a termination date prior to the selected period" calculation setting. Navigate > ...
Why is an employee not appearing on the Bulk Actions screen when Banking Details are selected?
When adding an employee the Banking Details field is mandatory. If they do not have banking details they will not appear. You can select "Cash / Cheque" from the drop-down list in the Payment Method field on the grid (or Excel template) and select ...
How do I add or update pay rate details for existing employees via the Bulk Actions screen?
Download and complete a prepopulated MS Excel Pay Rate Details template and ensure that the effective date for each new Pay Rate is unique. Navigate > Bulk Actions Proceed to upload the MS Excel Template.
How do I add a bank if it does not exist on the employee's Banking Details screen?
If a bank does not exist on the employee's Banking Details screen, it can be added via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions Add the employee's bank details (the new bank name in column F) on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet.
How do I change existing employee numbers via the Bulk Actions screen?
If employee numbers are not system generated, existing employee numbers can be updated on the template using the Update Employee Information action type on the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Why is a component, added via the Bulk Actions screen, not pulling through to the employee's payslip?
If a component, added via the Bulk Actions screen, is not pulling through to the affected employee's Edit Payslip screen, it may be that there are duplicate costings (i.e. the component is duplicated). This can be viewed on the employee's grid on the ...
How do I resolve the error "Effective date must be unique to each position" when updating employee positions via the Bulk Actions screen?
The error "Effective date must be unique to each position" will display when updating the employees' position without a new effective date via Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions Note! To avoid the error, the record being added requires a ...
How do I create a leave adjustment via the Bulk Actions screen?
If leave adjustments have to be created for multiple employees, download, complete and upload the Leave Adjustments action type template on the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Can employees' employment statuses be updated via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Employees' employment statuses can be updated via the Bulk Actions screen, by downloading an empty or prepopulated spreadsheet and inserting the relevant data. Navigate > Bulk Actions Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Position > ...
Why is an employee's pay rate that was updated via the Bulk Actions screen, not pulling through to the Edit Payslip screen?
The employee's updated pay rate may not pull through onto their Edit Payslip screen, because their Basic Pay component was also edited on the Bulk Actions screen, and is therefore overriding the pay rate detail. In order for the pay rate to pull ...
Can I update certain details on employees' Basic Profile screen via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. A new bulk upload functionality has been added that allows users to update employee basic profile information. Once the template has been downloaded, the user can complete the employee code together with the information that needs to be updated. ...
Can I capture employee assets via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. The employees' Asset Registers can be uploaded via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Can positions be created on company level via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Positions created on company level via the Bulk Actions screen will be stored on the Position Management screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Organisation Structure > Position Management
Can notes and reminders be created on employee records via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Notes and reminders can be created on employee records via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Can qualifications be created on company level on the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Qualifications be created on company level on the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Can employee payslip values be uploaded across multiple frequencies via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Employee payslip values can be uploaded across multiple frequencies within the company. A new feature has been released that allows payslip values to be imported for employees across multiple frequencies. The new Bulk Actions Action Type is ...
Can I delete a spreadsheet that is not uploading on the Bulk Actions screen?
No. The system does not cater for deleting a spreadsheet that is not uploading on the Bulk Actions screen. Related FAQ Why is the Bulk Actions spreadsheet for current employees failing to upload?
Can recurring payroll components be attached to employees in bulk?
Yes. Recurring payroll components can be attached to employees via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
How do I select the working days for all employees via the Bulk Actions screen?
Employee's working days can be selected using the Bulk Actions screen, by downloading and completing the template or directly on the grid for the Pay Rate Details action type. Navigate > Bulk Actions
How do I create employee records via the Bulk Actions screen?
To create multiple employee records for an intake of employees, download, complete and upload the Add New Employee action type template on the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Bulk Entries for Multiple Employees
Overview Bulk Entries-functionality allows you to capture or import information for more than one employee at a time. An extract of the Bulk Actions Screen. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Navigation Path Navigate > Bulk ...
Bulk Actions | The Bulk Actions Screen
Overview Besides processing payroll input on the respective employees’ records, capturing payroll information can also be processed via the Bulk Actions Screen. Bulk entries can be uploaded to the Payslip Edit Screen or the Recurring Components ...
Can I terminate multiple employees via the Bulk Actions screen?
Yes. Customer can process multiple employee terminations via the Bulk Action screen. Download and complete a prepopulated Excel MS template, by specifying how the employees should be terminated. Navigate > Bulk Actions Upload the completed MS Excel ...