Why is a component not pulling through to the employee's payslip?

Why is a component not pulling through to the employee's payslip?

This applies to all PaySpace editions.

There are a number of possibilities as to why a component may not be displayed on the payslip.

1. A component will not pull through to an employee's payslip if the component has an end date captured.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Recurring Payroll Components > Extra Fields

Select to edit the component and check if the component has an end date captured.


2. If the component has been marked as inactive, the component will also not pull through to the employees payslip.

      Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components

Select the tick "include inactive components" to view whether the component has been made inactive.


If a component has been made inactive the status of the component will be marked as "inactive".


To reactivate the component select to edit the component, expand extra options and disable the "inactive" checkbox.


3. A component will not pull through to an employees payslip if the value is zero on the Recurring Payroll Components screen.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Recurring Payroll Components screen


Should the issue persist, contact support@payspace.com.