What is the impact of exceeding the tax directive limit per employment record?

What is the impact of exceeding the tax directive limit per employment record?

With the SARS BRS specification limiting any tax certificate to having a maximum of 5 Directives, the system has a automatic logic which will limit a user from adding any further Directives once the maximum limit has been reached.


The impact of the above, would have the system validation apply per tax record to confirm if Directives can be applied to an active tax record.
In the event where an employee receives more than 5 Directives within a tax year, users can opt to terminate a current tax record where 5 Directives have been added during the record.
The user can then proceed to create a new tax record on the tax profile screen starting a new record from the available period, which will enable users to continue to add further Directives as the new tax record has not reached the maximum Directive limit.