South Africa | What are the UIF Employment Status Code Descriptions on the UIF Declaration File?

South Africa | What are the UIF Employment Status Code Descriptions on the UIF Declaration File?

The Employment Status descriptions are displayed as codes on the UIF Declaration File.
These codes are related to the below descriptions:
  1. 01 - Active
  2. 02 - Deceased
  3. 03 - Retired
  4. 04 - Dismissed
  5. 05 - Contract Expired
  6. 06 - Resigned
  7. 07 - Constructively Dismissed
  8. 08 - Employers Insolvency
  9. 09 - Maternity / Adoption leave
  10. 10 - Illness leave
  11. 11 - Retrenched
  12. 12 - Transfer to another branch
  13. 13 - Absconded
  14. 14 - Business Closed
  15. 15 - Death of Domestic employer
  16. 16 - Voluntary Severance Package
  17. 17 - Reduced Working Time
  18. 19 - Parental Leave
This field is required and contains the employee’s employment status as at the month end.
Where an employee has been transferred in terms of Section 197 of the Labour Relations Act [transfer of a business by one employer (“the old employer”) to another employer (“the new employer”) as a going concern] and the new employer has a different UIF reference number then the service must be terminated with code 12 (Transfer to another branch).