South Africa | Can I Amend ETI Payslip Values Via The ETI Take On Screen?

South Africa | Can I Amend ETI Payslip Values Via The ETI Take On Screen?

Yes. ETI values, that are system generated on the payslip, can be amended via the Bulk Actions > ETI Take On screen.


Note: All data processed in the columns will override what is on the payslip, except the "monthly calculated ETI" column. The data in this column will be added to the ETI on the payslip.

It is important that all fields are completed on the ETI Take On sheet if values are processed here.

If the Employment Tax Incentive note component reflects a value of R3,000 in March, but the user processes a R-1,600 value for March on the then the month-to-date value for ETI results in R1,400.

Further Considerations:
Values processed on the ETI Take On screen will not reflect on the payslips. To view the changes made, execute the EMP501 ETI Breakdown Report found under the Classic Legislative Reports.