Senegal: Increase in transport allowance and SMIG

Senegal: Increase in transport allowance and SMIG

Following the meeting held on 31 May 2023 relating to the general increase in wages between the stakeholders which are the unions of workers, the Ministry of Labour, and respective employers, the following were adopted: 

  1. Transport allowance increased from 20,800 F.CFA per month to 26,000 F.CFA per month 
  2. The guaranteed interprofessional minimum wage (SMIG) increased from 333.808 F.CFA per hour to 370.526 F.CFA per hour 
  3. The guaranteed minimum agricultural wage (SMAG) increased from 213.392 F.CFA per hour to 236.865 F.CFA per hour.

The increases are effective 1 July 2023

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