Security | Utilising Manager Self Service Functionality

Security | Utilising Manager Self Service Functionality


Employee Self Service (ESS) functionality allows employees to log in as a user and access screens that are relevant to the employee.
Manager Self Service (MSS) adds to this functionality by permitting the manager access to selected information of staff reporting to them.


This feature is available on Premier and Master.


To implement Manager Self Service, a MSS Security Role should be created to specify the screens and permissions the managers should have access to.

      Navigate > Config > Security > Security Roles

      The Role Type for a Manager Self Service Role should be specified as Manager.


Once the Security Role has been saved, you will need to specify the permissions by selecting the Permissions tab on the Security Roles screen


Important Comment

Linking reporting lines
For Manager Self Service to function effectively, employees’ reporting lines need to be linked correctly on the Employee Position Screen.
One MSS Security Role per Company will be Automatically Assigned
The system will automatically assign all employees to the MSS Security Role when they register for Employee Self Service. 
A company can only have one specified MSS Security Role.

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