Security | User Org Unit Permissions

Security | User Org Unit Permissions


In addition to the company and frequency access defined on the User Profiles Screen, the User Org Unit Permission Screen enables you to specify which employees a user can access at the Organisation Hierarchy Unit or Region level.


This feature is available on Premier and Master editions

Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Org. Unit Permissions


The grid will only display Company Level Users. If a user is unable to access an employee record and all units/regions have been selected, it’s possible that the employee record is not linked to a position.
An extract of the User Org. Unit Permissions Screen:

To specify the Organisation Hierarchy Units and Regions for a user, switch off the "allow access to all employees" toggle. You will then be directed to allocate the necessary access.

If a user is associated with an Organisation Hierarchy Unit or Region, their access will be limited to employees linked to the same Unit/Region.