Security | Adding a User Profile
User Profiles are used to create and maintain company level users on the payroll. User Profiles are also used to specify which employees a user can access on company and frequency level. When defining a User Profile, the relevant Security Roles can be selected. Security Roles should therefore be created before adding a User Profile.
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.
Navigation Path
Navigate > Config > Security > User Profiles
On the User Profile Screen select the + Option to add a User Profile.
Complete the fields on the User Profile Screen to add the new user.
Note! The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
Link the user to a Security Role.
Link the user to a frequency(ies) within the company(ies).
Password Requirements
The password must:
- Be a minimum of eight characters.
- Contain a minimum of one numeric characters.
- Contain a minimum of one uppercase character.
- Contain a minimum of 1 lowercase character.
- Not contain the word “password”.
- Not contain spaces.
One Security Role in a Company per User Profile
A User Profile should only be linked to one Security Role per company.
Since the ESS Role is automatically linked when the employee registers for Employee Self Service, it is not necessary to select the ESS Role on the User Profile Screen for a Company Level User.
The same applies to the MSS role, directly reports to persons will automatically be linked to the MSS security role if they have subordinates linked to them.