Reports | The Salary Payment File

Reports | The Salary Payment File


Once the payroll has been finalised and the run has closed, you can proceed to pay the employees by exporting a file from the Salary Payment File Screen. Based on the screen selections, the salary payment file will generate in the correct format for bank processing.


This report is available on Lite / Premier and Master editions. 

Navigate > Reports > Salary Payment file


The Salary Payments File screen


Ensure that the correct company and frequency are selected.
To exclude an employee who has been paid from the salary payment file, select this option on the employee’s Payslip Edit Screen:

Once you have retrieved the file, an additional field will appear where a details of payments report will be available to download.

Netcash Integration
Our payroll software integrates seamlessly with Netcash. Once set-up, the payment file will immediately upload to Netcash when exported from the payroll. This offers peace of mind that payment details cannot be edited once the payments have been sent to Netcash.

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