Reports | Payroll Reconciliation

Reports | Payroll Reconciliation


The Payroll Reconciliation report provides current or Month To Date (MTD) figures of all components reflected on all employee's payslips. This report is typically used for reconciliation purposes.


​This feature is available on Lite, Premier and Master payroll editions.
Navigate > Reports > Reports > Nextgen > Reports > Payroll 

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Extracts of the Payroll Reconciliation report

      Downloading progress toast notifications


      The report header


       The first seven columns of the report reference certain dynamic and historical employee details.


     The columns that follow contain the current or Month To Date (MTD) figures of all components reflected on all employee's payslips. categorised under each payslip action (the header cell for each total column for each payslip section will be highlighted in neon green.





            Fringe Benefits


            Company Contributions

