PaySpace provides built-in, seamless integration with QuickBooks Online so that customers can post their payroll results to their Journals. Customers are able to map the respective payroll components to QuickBooks account numbers and various other dimensions.
PaySpace General Ledger Parameters
Users must navigate to the General Ledger Parameters screen (Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > General Ledger Parameters) in order to create a GL mapping/s. For each payroll component that appears on an employee’s payslip, the user must enter a related GL “string” so that PaySpace can post to the QuickBooks Journal accordingly. PaySpace caters for the 4 dimensions within QuickBooks and the following is the required syntax (in red below) that needs to be adhered to in order to post successfully.
Notice that each QuickBooks dimension is separated by a pipe “|” character. The pipe character is required regardless of whether the customer has the dimension configured in QuickBooks.
For example, if a customer uses only the Account and Name dimension, they will enter the GL string as follows - notice how a sub-account needs to be entered with a colon.
Job Expenses:Cost of Labor|A100||
Note that only the value captured in the “Name” textbox below must be used, do not append the code if it is being used.
Below is how the GL strings need to be captured on PaySpace for each payroll
component. Note that the “GL Account” and “GL Contra Account” columns refer to
the account number which is a debit or credit account number. The “GL Account”
column is the debit account number and the “GL Contra Account” is the credit
account number for all sections i.e. Allowances, Company Contributions etc,
with the exception of the Deductions section where these are swapped around.
The “GL Account” column is the credit account number and the “GL Contra
Account” is the debit account number for all Deductions.

The syntax for including an employee number in a dimension is as
follows: [EMPNO]
For example, if you would like the employee number to appear in the Name
dimension, enter the GL string as follows:
Job Expenses:Cost of Labor|[EMPNO]||
PaySpace will do a validation before posting to ensure that each payroll
component, that appears on the employees payslip’s, has a GL string captured.
If one does not exist, an error messge will be displayed to the user. PaySpace
will require at least a debit account number for the allowance components and a
credit account number for the deduction components. If a payroll component does
not need to be posted, but the components exist on the employees' payslip’s,
then the user can exclude this component by capturing the following against the
relevant components: [Exclude]
Once the setup has been completed on PaySpace, the user can proceed to
post the journals. The user must navigate to the Reports > General Ledger
screen and select the QuickBooks option in the Format drop-down list. A “Connect
to QuickBooks” button will appear below the drop-down list. Once clicked, the
user will be re-directed to QuickBooks to authenticate (if they have not done
so already in the current browser session) and prompted to select a company in
QuickBooks. The user will then be re-directed back to PaySpace, where they will
see a message informing them that they have successfully connected to
Once the user has selected the remaining parameters, they can click on
the Submit button and PaySpace will perform validations to ensure that the GL
strings have been captured and that the values of each dimension exist within
QuickBooks and proceed to post the journal batch for the selected period. This
process executes in the background and will let the user know when it’s
Depending on the level of detail that needs to appear in the journals,
the user can select the relevant option in the Grouping drop-down list.Totals grouped by GL Number: will post a journal entry line that sums all
values for the combination of the 4 dimensions (Description column is blank)
Totals grouped by GL Number and payroll
component description: will
post a journal entry that sums all values for the combination of the 4 dimensions
and the payroll component appears in the Description column.