Payroll Processing | The YTD Take On Screen

Payroll Processing | The YTD Take On Screen


Where a new company is registered on the system during the tax year, you have the option to process year-to-date figures on an employee’s YTD Take On Screen.  If this is not done before the first Open Run is processed, you will have to contact the Support Centre for assistance.
The YTD Take On Screen is included in the Add New Employee Workflow.


This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Take On Year To Date Figures

Ensure that the correct employee is selected.

The Location Menu

The YTD Take On Screen

The YTD Take On Screen:

Important Comments

Take On: Considerations
  1. Remember to add employees who were terminated during the tax year as IRP5s are required to be generated for these employees.
  2. Where the employee has a medical aid component, be sure to load the year-to-date figure for medical aid tax credit and the medical aid fringe benefit.  The same principle applies for all payroll funds.
  3. The ETI Take-on must be completed on the Take On Year To Date Figures Screen as well as using Bulk Actions-functionality.
    1. Take On Year To Date Figures Screen: process the current tax year’s year-to-date ETI value.
    2. Bulk Actions-functionality: process the monthly ETI data per employee for each qualifying month starting from employee’s Group Join Date (including prior tax years).  In the event where the first qualifying month started later than the employee’s Group Join Date, insert a zero for every unqualified period.  Should the ETI Take-On not be completed, each period from the employee’s Group Join Date will be counted as a qualifying month.  Please contact our Support Desk for assistance.
  4. The employee’s employment date on the Employee Tax Profile Screen is a critical field for the tax calculation to function correctly.
  5. During the first live pay run, the system will automatically correct the tax component, based on the year-to-date figures processed.
Please note: the YTD Take On Screen will only be available up to the Pay Date of the first Open Run.  While adding the new employee, once you have completed the Recurring Components Screen, the option to complete 9. Take On Year To Date Figures, will be available.