Pacey is licensed as an additional service, where the license fee is charged per active employee. The module is purchased per legal entity and billing will be according to the number of active employees in the relevant company.

This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.
Each employee will be provided with a pre-defined number of conversations per calendar month. Employees will be limited to the number of conversations the company chooses. Every time an employee starts a new conversation with Pacey, they will be notified of how many conversations they have remaining for the calendar month.
Definition of a conversation: All conversations are measured in 24-hour increments, or "sessions", that start whenever the user sends the first message to Pacey. The user can send as many messages as they like and engage with Pacey as often as required within the 24-hour window. Should they start another conversation after the initial 24 hours, this would be a second conversation
The pricing structure allows the customer to choose from 5, 10, 20 or 30 conversations per employee, per calendar month. Conversations that are not used in a calendar month, do not carry over to the next month. Each month the number of conversations will reset to what the company is licenced for.
There are different pricing packages applicable for employees located in a South African entity vs. employees in other countries as Facebook charges different conversation rates depending on where the employee number originates from.
Once a conversations package is selected for the company, you cannot increase or decrease the package as needed per month, you can only increase or decrease your package on a permanent basis.