On / Off Boarding | On Boarding a New Employee

On / Off Boarding | On Boarding a New Employee


New employees that join the organisation must be loaded onto payroll in the current processing period to receive payment.  Employees can be uploaded in bulk or loaded individually.  This article focuses on individual loading of employees.


This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.


The system offers a pre-defined workflow path that guides you through the sequence of adding a new employee. The Add New Employee Workflow consists of the following screens:

Navigate > On/Off Boarding > Add New Employee

Important Comments

The Add New Employee Workflow Comments
  1. The Add New Employee Workflow must be completed for the employee to be onboarded onto the payroll. It is advisable to obtain all the employee information before the payroll onboarding process commences.
  2. Once the Basic Profile Screen has been completed while adding the new employee, should you exit the workflow, the system will record and save the last screen captured.  
  3. The workflow can be continued at a later stage.  When accessing any of the new employee’s screens, the system will prompt you to continue from where you have exited the workflow.  You will receive a system generated e-mail every day to remind you to complete the workflow.
Access the relevant company and frequency the employee needs to be added to.

The Location Menu

The Progress Bar at the top of the screen will track your progress as you continue through the workflow path.

The Progress Bar

Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk and a red exclamation mark in the mandatory field.

An example of a Mandatory Field

While adding the new employee, you can navigate to a previous screen in the workflow path from the Progress Bar.

An extract of the Progress Bar

Deleting an Employee

The option to delete an employee is only available for employees who have not yet been paid on the payroll.  To delete an employee, navigate to the Basic Profile Screen.

Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Employee Details

Click on the  Delete button to delete the employee.

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