Notes and Reminder

Notes and Reminder


The Notes/Reminders Screen enables you to capture comments and notifications relevant to specific employees.


This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Navigate > Employee > Other > Notes/Reminders

Ensure that the correct employee is selected.

The Location Menu

Adding a Note

Click on +Note to create a note.

Complete the employee Notes/Reminders Screen

Once the note has been saved, the details will display on the employees Notes/Reminders screen.

Adding a Reminder

Reminders are created the same as a note.  In addition, the parameters of the reminder can be selected.

The employee Notes/Reminder Screen

The requested e-mail and SMS notifications will only be sent if an active e-mail address and cell phone number have been processed on the relevant employee’s Basic Profile Screen.

Once the reminder has been saved, the details will display on the employees Notes/Reminder screen.

An example of an e-mail notification of a reminder

An example of a SMS notification of a reminder

The Employee Notes Report

To extract the notes and reminders captured on the payroll, print the Employee Notes Report.  

Navigate > Reports > Reports > Standard Classic > Category Heading: HR

Complete the Employee Notes Report Parameters and select to execute the Report.

An extract of the Notes Report