Mozambique | How to add an event type to reflect within the INSS Online Submission report

Mozambique | How to add an event type to reflect within the INSS Online Submission report

The monthly INSS social security submission report contains a section for any event type to cater to scenarios where an employee record did not contribute for a specific period ranging from either days, weeks or months while in the employment of a company.

The list of events range as below.
  1. New Hire
  2. Resignation/Termination/Dismissal
  3. Return/Re-Instatement
  4. Maternity Leave
  5. Accident at work
  6. SMO - Mandatory Military Service
  7. Professional illness
  8. Personal illness
  9. Death
  10. Absent
The list of options can be specified with a date starting from to a date ending the reasons for the event type and can be added individually to specific employee records, or via bulk actions.

To add a type of event navigate to: Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile

Within the statutory Fields section the event types are available from the drop down list provided with options to specify the start and end date of each event type.


Once the event type has been saved, the INSS online submission file will include the corresponding code for the period applicable from the start and end date specified.


New Engagements and Termination events will be automatically be considered within the period of the event.

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