This position management structure is essential for effective human resources organization and management. It allows companies to maintain a clear record of existing positions, the skills and qualifications required, and the ability to manage and update information as organizational needs change. In addition, audit functionality and the ability to search and edit records make it easier to efficiently manage position and responsibilities information.
Company Settings > Human Resources > Organizational Structure > Company Position Management
Structure Analysis
This section deals with the different positions or roles available in the organization. Each position has attributes and characteristics that can be managed and evaluated.
Available Features:
Click here to view audit trail: This option allows users to view the history of changes made to positions, promoting transparency.
Details, Skills, Qualifications, Outputs, Competencies, Other, Training: These are categories where additional information about each position can be entered, such as:
Details: General information about the position.
Skills: Skills required for the position.
Qualifications: Qualifications and educational requirements.
Outputs: Expected results of the position.
Competencies: Competencies required for the role.
Other: Any additional relevant information.
Training: Training and development required for the position.
Adding and Editing Positions:
Click here to add a new position: This option allows the inclusion of new positions in the database.
To edit a position, please select the relevant position in the grid below by clicking on it once: Instructions on how to edit an existing position.
Position Details Report:
Search: A search field to filter specific positions.
Description: Job title (e.g., BUSINESS ANALYST).
Effective Date: Date the position becomes effective (e.g., 01 Jan 1950).
Code: Position identifier code (e.g., 142330 for BUSINESS ANALYST).
Inactive From: Date from which the position is considered inactive (not filled in in this example).
Position List:
The list includes several positions, each with its own description, effective date, and code. The date "01 Jan 1950" suggests that the positions are registered without a defined inactive date, indicating that they can be considered active.