Madagascar: Updated minimum wage

Madagascar: Updated minimum wage

Interministerial Order No 24545/2022 repealed Decree No. 2022-626 of 4 May 2022 setting the Minimum Hiring Wage for the private sector.
Effective April 2022, the minimum hiring wage is MGA217,000 instead of MGA250 000 as previously published.

The minimum wage is used to determine the contribution ceiling for CNaPS, FMFP Training Fund, and some Healthcare Organizations.
The ceiling is determined by:
SME (Salaire Minimum d’Embauche) x 8
GMA217 000 x 8 = *MGA1736,0000 new ceiling value effective April 2022

The Decree determined that the gap between the minimum hiring wage of MGA217 000 and the minimum paid wage of MGA250, 000 will be subsidized for employers paying only the minimum wage. The subsidy is effective May 2022.