Leave | The Leave Adjustments Screen

Leave | The Leave Adjustments Screen


Leave adjustments are processed by the Company Level User on the Leave Adjustments Screen.


This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Navigate > Employee > Leave > Adjustments

The Leave Adjustments Screen

Examples of processing leave adjustments, include the following:
  1. Where you have neglected to link an employee to a leave scheme and do so after a period, you can process a leave adjustment to correct the employee’s leave balances.  The system will not adjust the leave balances automatically.
  2. Updating employees’ leave balances as part of a year-to-date take-on.
  3. Where an employee has moved between leave schemes that have not been mapped on Company Level.
Tip Mapping of leave schemes is only available on Premier and Master Payroll Edition.  

Important Comment

The Leave Balances Report
To extract a listing of the employees’ opening and closing balances, accrual days, days taken or adjusted, as well as the value of the employees’ leave, print the Leave Balances Report

Navigate > Reports > Reports > Standard > Category Heading: Leave

An example of the Leave Balances Report Parameters Screen:

An example of the Leave Balances Report