Yes. To prevent the company from calculating ETI, enable the "does not qualify for employment tax incentive" checkbox, under the Statutory Fields tab on the Basic Company Information screen. Note! This field has no effect on the Exemptions and Other ...
The ETI period lasts for 24 qualifying periods. Refer to the SARS Guide to the Employment Tax Incentive guidelines on what criteria need to be met in order for a period to be considered as an ETI qualifying period. PaySpace tracks the qualifying ...
Employee Transfers Employees can be transferred between different frequencies in the same company and between different companies in the same company group. Navigate to the employee > On / Off Boarding > Transfer When an employee is transferred ...
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions ETI on PaySpace is calculated according to the qualifying conditions for ETI as specified in the employment tax incentive act 26 of 2013. To access the employment tax incentive act select the ...
This applies to all PaySpace payroll editions. ETI applies to employees who receive retirement fund payouts only if the payout comes from an employer-administered retirement fund. This means that the retirement fund must be a benefit provided by the ...