How does the "Escalate leave applications awaiting approval after this many days" setting work, if no workflow has been setup?

How does the "Escalate leave applications awaiting approval after this many days" setting work, if no workflow has been setup?

This applies to all PaySpace editions.

The "Escalate leave applications awaiting approval after this many days" setting will escalate the leave applications to the employees directly reports to person, direct reporting line, if the leave application has then not been actioned in the specified number of days.

      Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Leave Administration > Leave Settings > Employee self service


For example, the employee reports to his Line Manager, who Reports to a Sales Manager, and the Sales Manager Reports to the Regional Sales Manager who again Reports to the Head of the Sales Department, should the leave applications not get approved within the specified amount of days after each escalation, the escalation will follow the below escalation line.

      Line Manager > Sales Manager > Regional Sales Manager > Head of the Sales Department