How do I set up leave in lieu of overtime?

How do I set up leave in lieu of overtime?

This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Make use of the following steps to configure Leave in Lieu of Overtime.

      Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Leave Administration> Leave Scheme Parameters

Step 1: Select the relevant Leave Scheme.


Step 2: Select the Leave type as Special Leave.


Step 3: Set up the Leave Scheme Parameters for Leave in Lieu of Overtime.


      Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components

Step 4: Select to add the Early Storage Note Component.


Step 5: Rename the component "Leave in Lieu of Overtime Hours" and save the component.


Step 6: Select to add the component Custom Leave Accrual.


Step 7: Rename the component "Leave in Lieu of Overtime Hours Accrual" and select the Leave in Lieu of Overtime Leave Scheme that was setup.


Step 8: Select to expand extra options and select to add the component to all employees.


Step 9: Select the option "Click here to add Income Base to Calc Days to this component".


Step 10:  Define the income base and select to add  income base and save the component.


Step 11: To add Leave in Lieu of Overtime process overtime hours on the Leave in Lieu of Overtime Hours Note component.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Notes


Once the Leave in Lieu of Overtime Hours Note Component have been saved, the Overtime hours captured and the Leave accrual for Leave in Lieu of Overtime will reflect on the Note Section of the employees payslip.


The Leave Accrual will also reflect on the employee's Leave Balances screen.

      Navigate > Employee > Leave > Leave Balances