How do I resolve the following payslip error: Insufficient Funds for UIF?

How do I resolve the following payslip error: Insufficient Funds for UIF?

This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Use the following guidelines to resolve the payslip error: Insufficient Funds for UIF
  1. Verify if the employee is on a Monthly, Weekly or Fortnightly frequency.
  2. Take note that UIF is determined using a Month To Date calculation.
  3. If the employee is on a Weekly or Fortnightly frequency, UIF is calculated over the number of weeks worked in that month. If UIF is not applicable in that week and the error is generated, disable the Pay Package Automatically checkbox on the Pay Rate Details screen for that week. Once the run is closed, and the next week's run is opened enable the indicator (if their salary is payable).
                  Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Pay Rate Details

  1. If the employee is on a Monthly frequency and UIF should be paid, add the Advance component on the payslip. If no UIF should not be deducted, use a UIF Adjustment component.