How do I resolve payslip error: "Tax code 4118 MTD cannot be less than 0."?

How do I resolve payslip error: "Tax code 4118 MTD cannot be less than 0."?

The payslip error "Tax code 4118 MTD cannot be less than 0." will display when a user has captured a negative value on the Note component Employment Tax Incentive Adjustment that resulted in the employee's Month to date ETI ending as a negative amount.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Payslip Errors

The error will display as the employee's month-to-date is less than 0, indicating that a negative ETI month-to-date value is displayed on the employee's record for ETI.

In order to resolve the error, correct the month-to-date ETI value on the employee's record.