Mauritius | How do I ensure the Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund calculates?

Mauritius | How do I ensure the Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund calculates?

Employers are required to pay a gratuity or a retirement allowance to long-standing employees on their retirement or death as a lump sum.  This is a statutory obligation on an employer, and this was previously provided for under s.49 and s.49A of the Employment Rights Act 2008 (ERiA). The Workers’ Rights Act 2019 (WRA) replaced the ERiA in October 2019.  s.49 and s.49A ERiA only provided for the calculation of the gratuity. 

The creation of the PRGF is to ensure that employees of the private sector receive their gratuity based on their terms of service (irrespective of the number of employers served) on their retirement.  Employers will make contributions to the PRGF on a monthly basis during the length of service of the employee with them and the gratuity will be paid by the Fund upon retirement or death as opposed to the retirement gratuity being only computed on his length of service with his final employer

The Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund component will not be calculated automatically and will have to be activated on employee level for employees who are deemed eligible. 

Enable the "Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund" checkbox on the Basic Profile screen, if the employees are deemed eligible by the employer. 

      Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Statutory Fields