The e@syFile™ Employer software can be downloaded from the SARS website.
Please take note of the minimum
system requirements before downloading the software:
version 7
Windows 7
(32 bit & 64 bit)
Reader 9
Adobe AIR
200MB hard
drive space
Additional Notes: Java & AIR is included in e@syFile™ Employer setup. Later
versions of Java may be used, but version 7 must be installed as well.
Step 1: Select Windows Download.
Take note of the following message. Select "Yes".
Step 2: Complete the following fields, enable the "I Agree" tick and select "Proceed".
Step 3: The e@syFile™ Employer setup will be downloaded in a zipped file.
Once the download is complete, double-click on the zip file and select "Setup Employer."
The setup wizard will open. Click on
Select the first radio button and then "Install".
Ensure that the message is carefully read and select "OK".
Click on "Continue".
The installation process has been completed.