How do I correct e@syFile™ error: "Tax code "3601" YTD cannot be less than 0"?

How do I correct e@syFile™ error: "Tax code "3601" YTD cannot be less than 0"?

This error relates to the YTD Income, subject to PAYE, (tax code 3601) amount, which must be equal to or more than zero on the Tax Certificates/Historical Drill Down screen, as outlined by legislation.

For instance, if the YTD 3601 Income Taxable Total amount on the Tax Certificates/Historical Drill Down screen is -R250.00, the error can be corrected by adding a positive value of R250.00 on the same 3601 component on the Edit Payslip screen.

Thereafter, regenerate and submit the Test CSV File on  e@syFile™ to ensure that the error has cleared, before generating and submitting the Live CSV File.