How do I correct e@syFile™ error: 3066 - Alternative Identification Number Should Have Format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN When Alternate Identification Type is 1

How do I correct e@syFile™ error: 3066 - Alternative Identification Number Should Have Format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN When Alternate Identification Type is 1

This error relates to the number used to identify the employee (Alternate Identification Number). If the Alternate Identification type is 1 (Employee with a RSA ID), then Alternate identification number:
  1. Must be in the format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN;
  2. CCYY must be a valid year from 1800 up to, but not greater than the current year;
  3. The last two digits must be either of the following - 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31
To clear this error, ensure the employee's "Nature of Person" is set to "A – Individual with ID number or Passport No" and their Identity No. is entered correctly."

      Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Tax Profile > Identification