How do I correct e@syFile™ error: "Employer Information: Employer Contact Person: Cell No (2040) contains the following invalid characters ('+')"?

How do I correct e@syFile™ error: "Employer Information: Employer Contact Person: Cell No (2040) contains the following invalid characters ('+')"?

If the number captured in the Mobile Number field under the Contact Details tab on the Basic Company Information screen, contains an invalid character, it will result in the "Employer Information: Employer Contact Person: Cell No (2040) contains the following invalid characters ('+')" e@syFile™ error.

The error can be resolved by updating the company contact person's mobile number.

      Navigate > Configuration > Basic Settings > Company Settings > Basic Company Information > Contact 


Please take note of the following guidelines when completing a telephone number on the payroll.
  1.  No spaces are allowed
  2. Only numerical values are allowed.
  3. The number should at least be 10 characters long.
  4. + is not allowed.
  5. National numbers must start with a 0.
  6. International numbers must start with a 00.