How do I configure the system to create custom screens on employee level?
A custom form can be created on 3 of the employees screens:
- The Basic Profile screen
- The Custom Forms screen
- The Tax Profile screen
Navigate > Configuration > Basic Settings > Custom Screens & Fields > Custom Form Configuration
Step 1: Select the " + " option to create a new custom form.
Step 2: Complete the fields to create the custom form on employee level and save your changes.
Step 3: Create custom fields on the Fields tab by selecting the Form Category. The Custom Field type can then be selected which will populate the information fields.
Step 4: Navigate to the employee screen (the Basic Profile screen in this example) where the Custom Form was configured and add the custom field details.
Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Custom Form (Optional)

The Custom Form will only reflect as "Optional" on the employee screen if the "Required" checkbox has not been enabled on the Company Custom Form Configuration screen.