How do I communicate the Pension assessment status to employees?

How do I communicate the Pension assessment status to employees?

The employee's assessment status must be communicated to them in the form of a letter.

      Navigate > Pension > Letters



There are 2 letter folders:
  1. Pending
  2. Sent
All letters that have been emailed or marked as sent, will move to the Sent folder. It is important to only do this once the run is closed, as sending letters will lock the employee's assessment status, therefore, changes to the employee's eligibility, will not update the assessment status.

If users do not want the system to generate letters, then the communication handled by provider field can be activated on the Pension Fund setup.
Users can send and action the letters from the company-level screen. A pending letter must be selected before the action buttons on the top left are enabled.


1. Mark as sent

Selecting this action button will move the letter from the Pending folder to the Sent folder. Marking a letter as sent will lock the employee's assessment status, therefore, changes to the employee's eligibility, will not update the assessment status.

2. Email

Letters can be emailed directly to the employee. Given that the employee has a valid email address. The red warning indicates that the employee's email address is not valid or is empty, and therefore the letter cannot be emailed directly to an employee. However, it can be downloaded.

3. Download

Users can download and save letters as many times as it is required. Letters are not moved to the Sent folder and this will not stop the assessment on an employee's record.

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