How do I add the Medical Aid Savings component to an employee record?

How do I add the Medical Aid Savings component to an employee record?

This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Medical Aid Savings is a component that forms part of a number of medical aid options. The Medical Aid Savings contains a percentage of the annual medical scheme contribution which is held in a separate account and used to pay for day to day medical expenses. The component has to be created on company level before it can be added to an employee.

Step 1: Search for and add the relevant Medical Savings component.

      Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components



Step 2: Add the component to the relevant payslip section on the employee's Edit Payslip or Recurring Payroll Components screen.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip / Recurring Payroll Components

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