How can I configure the system so that a newly added employee can use a single email address to access both their ESS and company level user profile?

How can I configure the system so that a newly added employee can use a single email address to access both their ESS and company level user profile?

This feature is available on all PaySpace editions

Make use of the following steps to configure the system so that a newly added employee can use one email address as a company level and ESS user.

Step 1: Capture the user as an employee on the system and capture an email address on the Contact Details tab on their Basic Profile screen.

      Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Contact Details


Step 2: Request the employee to register for ESS on

Step 3: Once the employee has registered for ESS successfully, change the employee's user profile's User Type to a Company Level User.

      Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security > User Profiles


      Proceed to link the user to the applicable security roles, companies and/or frequencies.



Now when the user log into ESS, they can click on their initials to toggle between their ESS and company level user profiles.