Employee | The Tax Profile screen

Employee | The Tax Profile screen


The Employee Tax Profile Screen stores information relating to the employee’s tax calculation. A history of tax records will accumulate at the bottom of the Employee Tax Profile Screen, should an employee be terminated and re-instated starting a new tax record. 


This feature is available on Lite / Premier and Master editions.
Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Tax Profile



Duplicate ID Numbers
If the ID number of the new employee, already exists on another employee within the group of companies, a warning message will appear to indicate that it is a duplicate.
Changing a Tax Status during the Tax Year
There is no restriction on the amount of tax records for one employee per tax year. Changing a tax status during the tax year, will result in the employee being taxed on year-to-date earnings based on the new tax status. Therefore, should an employee’s tax status change, you should terminate and reinstate the employee starting a new tax record.

The History Grid
Once you have processed and submitted the information on the screen, it will display on the History Grid.