How do I override an Income Base for duplicate Components with different calculations?

How do I override an Income Base for duplicate Components with different calculations?

AlertThis feature is available on all PaySpace editions

The "override formula" link allows for multiple instances of the same base component with each component following a specific income base setup.


If the income base is edited using the "income base required for this component:" link, it will change for all the components using the same underlying base component. 


      Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components

Step 1: Select the "edit" link on the right side of the applicable component.


Step 2: Expand the "extra options" section and select the "click here to add new override formula" link.


Step 3: A new defined income base can be configured and will result in the component following an alternate calculation compared to the other components using the same base component.

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