Does the system allow users to edit an arrear amount on a recurring component?

Does the system allow users to edit an arrear amount on a recurring component?

This feature is available on all PaySpace editions.

Yes. The system has been enhanced so that arrear figures calculated can be overwritten.

The "Opening recovery amount" will always be greyed out, and will show the arrears amount carried forward from the previous period. However, users can adjust the closing balance of the current period, to be carried over to the next period using the "Closing recovery amount" field.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip > Deductions


This can be used in scenarios where:
  1. The employee paid their outstanding balance to the company outside of payroll, allowing the user to clear the arrears amount.
  2. The employee requested that more, or less, money is deducted in the current month (in which case the total amount should be changed), as well as adjusting the closing recovery amount to reflect the correct balance.
  3. For take-on purposes, when a customer changes payroll systems, and they have employees with arrear payments to be taken on from the previous system.
In summary, this field allows company and business partner level users to correct/adjust/take on any arrears payments that should be recovered in the following period as per the company's rules.

Note! The component's once-off value and the recovery amount must both be adjusted where relevant - updating one, will not automatically update the other.